World cracking zone

Waterfall Moramo panorama

Waterfall Moramo panorama

Moramo waterfall situated about 70 km from the center of the city of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Moramo Waterfall is located in the Cape Nature Reserve Forest Peropa and a cascading waterfall (cascade) is beautiful with a height of about 100 meters. From that height, the water flows through the seven main levels. 7 In addition to the main level, there are also 60 small levels that also functions as a reservoir of water (a kind of pond water).

In this place there are about 10 level waterfall. Water discharge large and hefty elevation makes this waterfall looks very fascinating. Waterfalls Moramo who supposedly said this is the washing of the fairies, has beautiful natural scenery and pristine with no less beautiful waterfalls in Indonesia. Moramo shaped waterfall running water from a height of about 100 feet of water came rushing at large granite composite. Stacking height of each waterfall ranged from 0.5 to three meters. This arrangement formed naturally over thousands of years ago. Waterfalls in the area there are 60 levels Moramo also small and looks like a small pond in the last stage which is perfect for bathing.

Natural scenic beauty, waterfalls, chirping birds shouted and dance combined with colorful butterfly colorful, the main attraction Moramo Niagara region. The allure is not less interesting than this is the charm of the waterfall rocks that make up the levels. The rocks that make up the tiers are not slippery even though the water flowed continuously, so that the tourists who visit the site can climb up to the top. In addition, these rocks also gave a stunning charm when touched by the sun. The stones will emit a colorful glow that is dominated by the color green that is so beautiful. The colorful also looks like dancing when lulled by the gentle waves ripple the water when the sun touches the rocks at the bottom of the pool where the water cessation.

Beauty waterfall Moramo, which lacks the breezy sounds of waterfalls, chirping birds and shouted to make us listen to music as if nature is far from the crowds in the downtown atmosphere. Even when the sun reflected off of the rocks surrounding marble-dominated rainbow rays and blue light colors that can add beauty, charm.

Moramo different waterfall waterfalls in general. Moramo waterfall is tiered waterfall with a height of 100 meters. This waterfall has 7 large steps, as well as dozens of small steps. In addition, around the waterfall there are also many large marble stone and adds beauty scenery.

The atmosphere around the falls is very calm and natural. Tejun sound of splashing water and the cold water you can feel. In addition, you can also explore each level in this waterfall. No need to fear, because the rocks in the area around the waterfall is not slippery. Shady place adorned with many butterflies will add beauty to charm Moramo waterfall.

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