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Travel beauty of Lake Gunung Tujuh, Jambi

Lake Gunung Tujuh not the usual lake, Lake Gunung Tujuh in because this is the highlands tepanyak on the mountain. Lake Gunung Tujuh is located in a mountain which is right diblakang Mount Kerinci.

Gunung Tujuh Lake is one of the volcanic lake formed by volcanic activity. This lake has a length of 4.5 km and a width of 3 km and is located at an altitude of 1,996 meters above sea level. Where the height of Gunung Tujuh Lake is the highest lake in Southeast Asia.

 The beauty of Lake Gunung Tujuh not only be enjoyed by those who like mountain climbing activities only. For those who like camping, Lake Gunung Tujuh has a land-locked region. In Lake Gunung Tujuh, you can enjoy the morning sun showed his face while sipping a glass of warm coffee. Guaranteed, the scenic beauty of the lake at the moment would be difficult forgettable experience.

Seven Mountain Lake also has another panorama that no less enthralling. There Gunung Tujuh Waterfalls tens of meters altitude and is not far from the lake. If you want to see and enjoy the freshness of the water, can through the track not far from the former homestead resort near the guard post at the foot of the mountain.

 Charm of the beauty of Lake Gunung Tujuh is strengthened by the activities of local residents. Every morning and evening, shrouded in fog covering Lake Gunung Tujuh, the local people who work as fishermen are often seen along the lake by boat. Gives a typical view of the countryside, away from the urban bustle.

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