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Attractions beauty of Bintan Island, Riau Islands

Attractions beauty of Bintan Island, Riau Islands

Attractions beauty of Bintan Island - Bintan Island is an island located in the Riau Islands which has more than 300 large and small islands. The island stretches of Malacca in the South China Sea. This island there are two governments, the city government and local government Tanjungpinang Bintan. The island is located adjacent to the State of Singapore. Bintan Island with its Tanjung Pinang is the capital of Riau Islands province that holds a lot of cultural historical sights. People in this city live from mining and trade. But apparently tourism is also one of the Island's largest foreign exchange.

Bitan The resort is an place that has a beach which lovely with spacious surrounding territories 23 thousand hectares. With white sand and is located overlooking the South China Sea, this beach offers a myriad of attractions for the tourists. A variety of interesting activities such as surfing, adventure, and enjoy ecotourism can do in this place. Anambas are other destinations that you can visit nearby attractions Bintan Island.

On the northern island of Bintan, there is an attraction called Lagoi. Do not forget to visit this place if you are on the island of Bintan. Lagoi area is very convenient because it has maximum security. If you've been to Nusa Dua Bali, you will find that the shades in Lagoi similar to one of the tourist destinations in Bali.

Not only alammya beautiful landscapes, but also attractions Bintan Island has a very friendly locals. Various interesting spots can be found in Bintan, such as Mangrove Forest, River Sebong, as well as several luxury resorts. Lagoi have quite an exotic beach with waves that will eliminate your fatigue. You can shower or swim at the beach or snorkeling to enjoy the underwater beauty. In this tour more often use U.S. Dollars or Singapore, because most of the tourists here come from Singapore and Malaysia, although there is no airstrip on the island of Bintan.

On the east coast of Bintan Island is a beach called Trikora. The mention of this beach there are 2 versions, the first saying that the names come from the "three corals", while others relate degan Tri Komando Rakyat which is one of Indonesia's history footage. If Lagoi more filled by foreign tourists, nah Trikora beach destinations for the tourists are local. Amenities at this place is very different from Lagoi. Amenities at TRIKORA although simple, but still not lost the feel of beauty.

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